Vivekananda College for Women
Teacher's Feedback Report
Session: 2021-22
For the NAAC AQAR (2021-22), the college obtains feedback from Teacher's of different disciplines on the syllabus through the college website. The questionnaire has been framed covering social, economic and contemporary aspects of syllabus. Teacher's have rated the question in a scale of E to A where E = Very poor; D = Poor; C = Satisfactory; B = Good; A = Excellent. The feedback is calculated in the numerical scale of 0 – 4 where 0 stands for E, i.e., Very poor and 4 stands for A, i.e., Excellent. The analysis of Teacher's feedback is presented below:
Feedback on academic performance and ambience of the institution

Question Wise Score

Sl No. Question Score
1 How do you manage to complete the syllabus? 3
2 Is there any scope for innovative teaching methods (group discussions, field exercises, role plays, use of audio-visual aids, student seminar etc.). 3.22
3 Is the time framework adequate to complete the syllabus? 3
4 Do examination duties impact classroom responsibilities? 2.89
5 Are academic responsibilities shared uniformly within your department? 2.78
6 Are classrooms adequately available for conducting classes smoothly? 3.44
7 How frequently departmental meetings are conducted to manage academic discourse? 3.11
8 Are you allowed to participate in Teaching Development Programme? 3.56
9 Are you encouraged to pursue research work? 2.78
10 How do you want to rate overall academic performance and ambience of your college? 3.44

Vivekananda College for Women
Teacher's Feedback
Session: 2021-22

Question Wise Feedback Statistics Graphs

Sl No. Question Statistics Graphs
1 How do you manage to complete the syllabus?
2 Is there any scope for innovative teaching methods (group discussions, field exercises, role plays, use of audio-visual aids, student seminar etc.).
3 Is the time framework adequate to complete the syllabus?
4 Do examination duties impact classroom responsibilities?
5 Are academic responsibilities shared uniformly within your department?
6 Are classrooms adequately available for conducting classes smoothly?
7 How frequently departmental meetings are conducted to manage academic discourse?
8 Are you allowed to participate in Teaching Development Programme?
9 Are you encouraged to pursue research work?
10 How do you want to rate overall academic performance and ambience of your college?